Help Us Give the Gift of Life

Haiti Air Ambulance provides life-saving care when and where it is needed most - regardless of the patient's ability to pay. We transport, triage and treat critically ill or injured patients en route to hospitals. Just as importantly, we fly doctors, nurses, and vital medical supplies to hospitals and clinics across the country. We also provide medical training and employment to Haitian staff and medical professionals.

Haiti Air Ambulance | Haiti Medical Services

Thanks to You and Haiti Air Ambulance there is
Hope in the Skies Over Haiti

There are five key priorities where financial support is urgently needed. They are listed and described below. You may choose to donate dollars toward these particular projects or to Haiti Air Ambulance to be used as needed. In any case, rest assured that 100% of your contribution will go toward a worthy and important cause – saving lives in Haiti!

Key Funding Priorities

Medical Interior Reconfiguration for Additional Air Ambulance Helicopter

Our new Bell 407 helicopter will enable us to answer hundreds of more urgent calls for help. This model is designed to be faster while carrying more weight, allowing us to transport even more equipment and patients. With your donation, this helicopter will be fully fitted as a state-of-the-art medical air ambulance. Opportunities are available for visible sponsorship on the aircraft.

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How We Help | Haiti Air Ambulance

Maternal and Perinatal Care

Haiti’s maternal mortality is the highest of any country in the Western Hemisphere. As a result, 40% of our patients are pregnant women and newborns. Equipped with portable ultrasound, infant warming pod, and safe transport devices, our new air ambulance will enable us to save more newborns and their mothers than ever before.

Patient and Doctor Transport

Our flight and medical staff transports, triages and treats patients enroute to hospitals, and we coordinate intake to make sure patients get to the right specialty hospital. We regularly transport dozens of doctors, medications, vaccines and medical supplies to rural settings where thousands of patients are treated each year.

The Importance of Emergency Helicopter Ambulances | Haiti Air Ambulance | Haiti Nonprofits
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Humanitarian Aid and Emergency Response Relief Fund

Haiti has experienced two major hurricanes and two earthquakes over the last 12 years, as well as a cholera outbreak in the fall of 2022. Non-governmental organizations and service corps rely upon us to transport fluids, medications and doctors to fill critical health care gaps during natural disasters and catastrophic events. We save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity.

Healthcare Training and Employment

Over 600 Emergency Medical Services personnel, nurses, and doctors received advanced training in trauma care during 2022 by Haiti Air Ambulance. We are an International Training Site for the American Heart Association as well as the first and only NAEMT training center in Haiti. Our credentials allow us to deliver Pre-Hospital Trauma Care.

We augment medical treatment skills needed by our hospital partners while hiring front line and management staff to run our entire operation. 

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Big or Small – Every Donation to Haiti Air Ambulance Saves Lives

You may choose to donate toward a particular project or fund, or designate your gift to where the need is greatest.
In any case, rest assured that your contribution will go toward a worthy and important cause. 
Your gift will also be appreciated by everyone in our organization and, above all, by the people of Haiti.
Because you’re the reason that there will continue to be Hope in the Skies Over Haiti.